BOISE, Idaho (CBS2) — An Idaho woman has been invited to the State of the Union by a Senator from Washington to make a pro-choice statement.
KHQ reporting out of Olympia, Washington, reports that U.S. Senator Patty Murry (D) has invited Kayla Smith to attend the State of the Union Address. Kayla Smith lived in Idaho up until recently, but according to KHQ, she needed an abortion to avoid health complications which she could not receive under Idaho law.
Idaho has passed some of the strictest abortion laws in the country, including preventing abortion even when they are deemed medically necessary. A legal case currently before Idaho's Fourth District Court is about that aspect of the law, and according to KHQ Smith is one of several plaintiffs suing in Idaho in the case of life or health-preserving treatment.
Smith went to Washington State to receive the abortion, which Senator Murray has categorized as lifesaving. KHQ reports that Murray has been a staunch critic of Idaho's abortion laws. Smith and her family have since relocated to Central Washington, KHQ reports.