BOISE, Idaho (CBS 2) — A water fight in Ann Morrison Park on a hot summer afternoon. It’s a perfect way to cool off and have fun. It is also a good way to break down barriers that too often separate and isolate people living with disabilities.
Twice a month, Belong Co. holds socials like the water balloon party to bring people together and make new friends.
One mother told CBS 2 News, "It's nice for him to have his own time and for me to step away. It's been nice sitting back and watching Kendall. To be honest, she's amazing in the way that she can pull the people in."
Socializing is half the mission of Belong Co, the other half is vocational.
Kendall and Belong Co. Board Member Kristen Richardson have been interviewing adults with special needs seeking employment with their coffee cart project. They’re looking for six employees to form two-person teams, one a cashier and the other a barista.
While earning a wage, their employees will learn to interact with customers. Handle cash drawer. And of course, make coffee.
In some cases, job applicants are looking for their first job, but Kendall doesn't want it to be their last. She said, “We're trying to be that bridge to give them that confidence to get other jobs in the typical workplace."
The coffee cart itself is a work-in-progress in the garage of Doug Peake, Kendall’s father-in-law.
The cart is being constructed to the exact requirements of Central District Health and Doug. He is building a cart that will last. “I like to call it the beast,” said Kendall. And it is not only strong but built to go anywhere. She said, “It's built to go through doorways. Elevators. We want it to last a really long time. We value our donors' money. And if we're going to be using donors' money to build something, we want it to be something that's really good."
It's that kind of dedication that got the attention of Angela Phillips with Mountain America Credit Union.
She surprised Kendall with a $500 Pay It Forward. Angie explained, "We heard that Belong Co. is doing some pretty incredible things for people with special needs in the community. We want to recognize what you guys are doing.”
The coffee cart will be finished in September. Belong Co. has a big celebration planned at the Foothills Christian Church, 9655 W State St., Boise. It’s on September 16th from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. Everyone is invited.
Do you know someone like Kendall who is doing great things in our community? Click here to nominate them for a Mountain America Credit Union Pay It Forward!