People use the Craigslist online classified ads to place a variety of items that the have for sale in a site that gets plenty of traffic. It’s been one of the more popular ways to advertise used items for several decades now. Both buyers and sellers have benefited from the site and although most have had good experiences, not everyone can say the same. The number of scam ads on the site has increased dramatically. These are placed by con artists who are looking for innocent victims to rip off. Here are five money scams that you need to watch out for on Craigslist Oregon Coast.
1. Portland area craigslist rental scam
Beware of a fake rental scam that has surfaced on the Craigslist ads on the Oregon Coast. A scammer obtained photographs of a home that was listed on another site for sale, and also took the detailed information including the address. He posted it as a rental property on Craigslist. This was an obvious scam because when interested parties contacted the fake owner, they were instructed to send the deposit and rent to an account through a wire transfer. This is one of the oldest scams in the book, but this scammer is in search of someone desperate to rent the home who may not be aware of how these scams work.
2. Cannon Beach rental scam on Craigslist
Carolyn O’Brien owns a home in Cannon Beach and she was shocked when she received a phone call that informed her that her home had just been rented. She had not put the home up for rent on Craigslist ever. The renter found the home advertised for rent on Craigslist by a fake owner named John Robson. The renter discovered that there was no man with that name associated with the home and he put them in touch with the real owner. This was not the first time that this had happened with the vacation home, but rather, the second. The renter had used a check to pay for the transaction and it had been cashed and was virtually untraceable. The scammer disappeared with their cash.
3. Newport, Oregon Craigslist rental scams
A scam artist has tricked at least two dozen hopeful vacationers out of their hard earned money with a fake ad offering a beach home in Sallishan. The price was $250 per night. The woman offering the rental demanded that $800 be sent to hold the home and it was to be sent via wire transfer. When one of the interested parties pressed her for the address of the home, she gave it and the savvy renter discovered that it was owned by someone who lived out of state and she was informed that the home was not for rent. She reported the scam to the local authorities. Law enforcement reported that they had received multiple calls from victims.
4. Portland, Oregon man arrested in scam
A Portland man was arrested for posting items from his mother’s basement in electronics boxes that looked like they came from Best Buy. The man was charged with multiple crimes in the incident. He not only posted fake ads, he was also discovered to be in possession of computer crimes, identity theft and possession of illegal drugs. You must be careful who you deal with because this guys was posing as a Best Buy worker who offered items still in the boxes for sale.
5. Job Scam on Craigslist
There is another type of money scam showing up on Craigslist Oregon Coast. This one offers a job opportunity. People who agree to the terms are sent a check for their pay that is for far more than the agreed upon amount. They are instructed to deposit the check in their bank accounts and then forward the overpaid amount to another person via wire transfer. A few days later, the bank contacts them to inform the worker that the check was a fake and that they are responsible for the entire amount plus associated fees.